About Us

Green Hat Productions was forged from a combined love of storytelling, complementing experiences, and a shared passion for excellence. Introduced by and following an evening out together with their wives, both a friendship and a video production company emerged. With Green Hat Lounge in Wabash, Indiana serving as both the inspiration and backdrop, Justin Vail and Jeff Guenin-Hodson discussed the plans for their video productions company well into the early morning hours. Shortly thereafter, Green Hat Productions, LLC was born.
Jeff Guenin-Hodson
Jeff Guenin-Hodson is a co-founder of Green Hat Productions, LLC. He is a lucky husband and proud father of 2 young boys. Over the past 10 years, Jeff has worked with his wife Emily and father-in-law Mark at Guenin Law Office in Wabash, Indiana.  As the Operations Manager at Guenin Law, Jeff has played a significant role in both the preparation and presentation of a variety of client stories. Whether it's an injured car crash victim or whether it's a small business fighting to stay in the marketplace, he understands that everyone's story is different, yet equally significant. Whether the audience is a jury, a judge, or an insurance company, he understands that each presentation must be carefully tailored to its intended viewer(s) and for its intended purpose. Jeff brings these same skills and experiences to each and every Green Hat Productions project!

Justin Vail
Justin Vail is a co-founder of Green Hat Productions, LLC.  He is also the co-founder of Education Shift.  Justin Vail is currently the Technology Director at Wabash City Schools. He and his lovely wife Darcy are the fortunate parents of 2 young girls. Prior to becoming the Technology Director of Wabash City Schools in Wabash, Indiana, Justin was a middle school History teacher. He understands first-hand the significance of story telling, presenting those stories in an engaging manner, and preserving those stories for future generations. Justin surrounds himself with technology and he loves it! With the use of state-of-the-art video editing equipment, Justin has been making videos for years. His attention to detail, his passion for excellence, and his dedicated drive help to shape every Green Hat Productions project!